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Youth Ministries
Middle & High School
We challenge students to own their faith and live it out every day with relevant teaching, passionate worship, and small group discussion. Students ask questions and learn from each other in a safe, and accepting environment. Weekly worship and teaching focuses on relevant issues, and small group gatherings offer time to talk, pray together, and develop close friendships. This fun and casual environment is an ideal place where students can invite friends to join them in learning about Christ.
Programing Times
Antioch Campus
Jr High
Grades 6 - 8
Sunday: 11AM
Wednesday: 6PM
Sr High
Grades 9 – 12
Sunday: 11AM
Wednesday: 6PM
Smyrna Campus
Jr High
Grades 6 – 8
Sunday: 10AM & 6PM
Sr High
Grades 9 – 12
Sunday: 10AM & 6PM
Interested in volunteering? Click the button below to get started.
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